Please complete the investment inquiry form, review and accept our Terms of Service, Notification of Offers, Privacy Policy and the Statement of Important Matters and submit your application.
Upon receiving your application, we will evaluate it and determine whether we will allot shares to you and the number of shares to be allotted.
We will notify you of the number of shares allotted to you by email together with the instructions on payment of the application deposit.
* Please note that once you submit your application, you cannot withdraw it and you are required to pay the application deposit during the payment period of the application deposit.
* The payment methods for these shares are expected to be bank transfer or transfers using money transfer service providers.* If we do not reach our target offering amount and determine that it is appropriate, we may cancel the offering.
* After becoming a shareholder through the fulfillment of the investment, the contract cannot be canceled. Additionally, according to Article 26, Paragraph 2 of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, shares that cannot be canceled under the Companies Act due to fraud or coercion cannot be canceled or withdrawn based on Article 15-3, Paragraph 1, Article 15-4, Paragraph 1, or Article 24-2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions.
* Additionally, we have the discretion to determine the investors to whom we will allot shares and the number of shares we will allot. Please note that even if you submit your application, we may not be able to allot shares to you.
Fundraising phase: 5/15/2024 – 8/1/2024
Payment period: 6/21/2024 – 8/8/2024
Issue of shares: 8/9/2024